With fall on its way, what with the promise of days lit by flame coloured leaves and brisk, crisp evenings, it was time for one last summer hurrah, which means of course, one last weekend at the cottage!

Ahhh....working on the toe tan.

Lazy sun.

A map for the herb garden.

And there it is...

...spicy globe basil, complete with its little white flowers and fat bumblebees buzzing about,

...silver tongued sage,

delicate sproutlets of parsley,

...followed by a bit of snipping and picking for dinner.

Speaking of, our meal to be; fat arctic char and plump scallops...

...wrapped in bacon, of course!

Here come the herbs - some basil for the scallops,

...and shiny buttery peas, to be finished off with roughly torn mint leaves.
(In the background, our pork chops wait for their turn on the bbq.)

Some leafy veggies to round it all out.

(I wanted to write Boy meets Grill...so cheesy, will you forgive me?)

Time to eat!!

The next day, things are looking equally promising with our afternoon snack...

Cold, cold Coleville Bay oysters, hot sauce and warm sun, my idea of a sweet day!

We took a boat ride later on to visit the rest of the area. With it being Labour Day weekend and all, most of the spots were very quiet.

Gas stop.

So lovely!