A rare occurrence at our place; not only did we both get up in time to make and eat breakfast at home, but we actually had enough fruits and berries lurking in the ol' kitchen so we didn't end up with the sleeping pill known as the beige/brown meal.
(You know what I'm talking about - as delicious as a proper fry up is, don't you just want to sink your head into the nearest pillow right afterwards?)
(You know what I'm talking about - as delicious as a proper fry up is, don't you just want to sink your head into the nearest pillow right afterwards?)
Oh, and we even made his and hers versions...it must be a full moon!

My girly plate.

I, for once, am trying to practice some (ugh) restraint these days...we'll see how long that lasts!
And for the boy...

I think I may want to have that bacon-fried egg-cheese-avocado sandwich for lunch...would that be wrong?