Thursday, December 4, 2008

in mind's eye

I love collecting images for my personal version of the "lookbook" for those blue-sky, ideal-world necessary when the days start getting colder and darker (like at five, what?!) and bright moments of inspiration become even more welcome than usual.


Every now and then, I get jolted by such delicious images that I can actually taste them in my head! This month's issue of Donna Hay magazine (the queen bee of food porn, to be sure) had me with the oozy quail egg and buttery, garlic laced pasta. Totally my kind of there anything better than a good butter pasta, I ask you?


And it just gets better inside...


Anyone who knows me will tell you just how much I adore cured/smoked salmon. Growing up, my Aunt W used to joke that I must be part grizzly bear as she handed over my traditional Christmas present...of a whole side of smoked salmon!

Oh the joys of a visual "cookbook" meal - almost as good as the real thing.

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