Even more so, because I celebrated my birthday! So, just a few things from here and there while D and I took in a few of our (well, mostly my, this time) favourite things...

The first treat of the day; a macchiato from Manic Coffee.

Fun posters for a film fest.

Waiting for the streetcar to take us to St. Lawrence Market...

hee hee!

Mmm, salty goodness.
We actually came to the market for our fave Breakfast sandwiches from Carousel Bakery. (That's slabs of peameal bacon, a fried egg and gooey orange cheese in a kaiser bun, oh, what I wouldn't give to have another one right now!) But we were really hungry and scarfed them back before I remembered to take a picture. Next time!

Holiday decorations already!

Unusual leaves in the city...so pretty!

It's starting to get dark pretty early these days...on our way home.
We met up with my mom for dinner at my favourite Japanese restaurant, Toshi Sushi, where we proceeded to gorge on the most delicious of dishes. Nabeyaki udon, served steaming hot in a clay pot, with lots of tempura goodies and (of course, my fave) a gently poached egg for good measure. Broiled scallops with dollops of miso mayo...and thinly sliced, grilled ox tongue...oh, and steamed baby eggplant with a sticky miso glaze, served in dashi and topped with wavy shavings of bonito. And of course, a gorgeous platter of sashimi...with a very special addition of some foie gras sushi! (Just in case that sounds icky, I should explain that the foie wasn't raw, but rather barely seasoned with mirin, then lightly broiled and topped with a dusting of grated ginger...buttery love.)
Some more happy moments...
Some more happy moments...

Bubbles, and pink ones at that. Makes me want more excuses to celebrate!

I'm a lucky girl to have such wonderful friends...

I'm nervous about having this new beauty...water once a week, you say?

I've been dreaming about these stomping boots, can't wait to break them in!

I like it when gifts come wrapped in butcher paper...

...and even more when they contain insanely marbled kobe beef! Holy moly, how cool is that?!

More pretty cards and wrapping paper, perfect for the inspiration board.
I don't think Orchids like cold water. Mine didn't last very long :(